jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Pilotovirtual - El blog para los pilotos virtuales

 Pilotovirtual - El blog para los pilotos virtuales

Fantástico este Blog, un imprescindible, diria yo...!!!

Love this Blog!!!!









Just have a look...!!! very interesting!!!!





El archivo FSACARS contiene un programa que permite a pilotos de diversas aerolineas virtuales  reportar sus vuelos para que estos sean incluidos en la base de datos de la aerolínea. Es a través de estos datos que el sistema permite otorgar ascensos de rango, y el uso de estadísticas para las diversas actividades. (mas info...)

SimPlates ULTRA

SimPlates ULTRA is the world's best collection of IFR approach (and other) charts and a worldwide airport/facility directory aimed at the serious flight simulation enthusiast. This latest edition (SimPlates 2000. SimPlates 2004, and SimPlates X came before) features over 70,000 REAL WORLD IFR PLATES - far more plates and at a higher quality than ever before.
Take your flight simulator experience to the next level!!!


free checklist... and more!!!

click here to see the mice stuff!!!

Full Approach to Vestmannaeyjar(BIVM) from Reykjavik(BIRK) with EagleAir

Full Approach to Vestmannaeyjar(BIVM) from Reykjavik(BIRK) with EagleAir... Video By Jainie Cowham

miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013



¿¿¿No rula bien tu Flight Simulator X en el equipo???? Entonces tienes que probar esto!!! (TRIAL 30 dias gratis)

Is your Flight Simulator X not running right in your equipment???? Then you have to see this!!! (TRIAL 30 days free)

martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Manual de radiocomunicaciones para pilotos

Manual de radiocomunicaciones para pilotos
*** Aqui
Gran parte de la seguridad de la navegación aérea depende en la actualidad del uso insustituible de las comunicaciones por radio entre las aeronaves y los distintos servicios de control. Esto es también perfectamente aplicable al ámbito de la simulación en las sesiones on-line de vuelo controlado. 

Otra oportunidad...!!!


¿Nunca os ha pasado que haciendo un vuelo perfecto en Flight Simulator habeis terminado con un desastre de aterrizaje?

Pues con Autosave puedes rebobinar la partida hasta 10 minutos atrás debido a un mal aterrizaje o a un apagon de luz. Esto es un archivo ".dll"  que va a la carpeta "modules" de FS (C:\Archivos de programa\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Modules) y que solo hay que descargar y descomprimir dentro de esta carpeta. Una vez hecho  esto Autosave creara una serie de vuelos guardados automaticamente cada 60 segundos (hasta un maximo de 10 veces lo que sigfinica los últimos 10 minutos de vuelo), asi que si se te cuelga el FS, se va la luz, apagas sin querer, etc. como mucho pierdes 1 minuto de vuelo. En teoría el vuelo guardado aparece como "AutoSave day hhmmss" (la fecha local del equipo, no del FS!!!)  y estará en el apartado de vuelos guardados por el usuario.


Has it ever happened to you that by making a perfect flight in Flight Simulator you have ended up with a landing disaster?

Well, with Autosave you can rewind the game up to 10 minutes ago due to a bad landing or a blackout. This is a ".dll" file that goes to the FS "modules" folder (C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Games \ Flight Simulator 9 \ Modules) and only needs to be downloaded and unzipped inside this folder. Once this is done, Autosave will create a series of flights automatically saved every 60 seconds (up to a maximum of 10 times what the last 10 minutes of flight means), so if the FS hangs, the power goes out, you accidentally turn off , etc. At most you lose 1 minute of flight. In theory, the saved flight appears as "AutoSave day hhmmss" (the local date of the equipment, not the FS !!!) and will be in the section of flights saved by the user.

domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Plane crash video from inside cockpit

Crash at 2:44 
This is unprecedented footage of a small airplane crash from inside the cockpit from two different views. Miraculously, everyone survived. The pilot will make a full recovery and the rest of us escaped with superficial injuries and feel very lucky to be alive . This trip was much anticipated and due to our excitement we had our Gopro cameras filming at various times. After flying up into the mountains for a morning hike in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness we were planning on flying to a small mountain town for dinner. Due to warming temperatures there was an increase in density altitude and we had a hard time getting adequate lift. The cameras were left on for a couple of hours during the aftermath. Thank you to all the many individuals who eventually came to our aid and took the time and effort to help in any way they could. We appreciate you more than you know. -Thanks to my brother Aaron who helped by editing and posting this video experience. Please visit his project helping others in need at OriginallyNew