Bienvenidos a este Blog en el cual solo se pretende subir información relacionada con el mundo de la aviación y la simulación de vuelo. Se irán subiendo videos, fotos, y noticias con la idea de informar y entretener al usuario en la medida de lo posible, siempre de una forma legal y sin animo de lucro. Sentiros como en casa. *** welcome to my blog, we have the intention to entertain and inform about interesting things related to aviation and simulation. I hope you enjoy!
lunes, 4 de agosto de 2014
domingo, 27 de julio de 2014
martes, 25 de marzo de 2014
NATS.- The UK Integrated Aeronautical Information

This web site provides FREE access to the following products (for guidance on computer software requirements please use 'Help' tab above):
- UK Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) Static information, updated every 28 days, containing information of lasting (permanent) character essential to air navigation.
- UK AIP Supplements (SUPs) Temporary changes to the AIP, usually of long duration, containing comprehensive text and/or graphics.
- Aeronautical Information Circulars (AICs) Notices relating to safety, navigation, technical, administrative or legal matters.
- NOTAM Notices concerning the condition or change to any facility, service or procedure notified within the AIP. NOTAM are available in the form of Pre-Flight Information Bulletins (PIB) using a live database.
- AIS Information Line on tel: 0500 354802 or +44(0)20 8750 3939 This service is offered by AIS to supplement the information available from the Website. A recorded message allows you to obtain up to date information on specific NOTAM, and will include Restricted Areas (Temporary), Airspace Upgrades & Emergency Restrictions of Flying.
- VFR Chart Newsletter & Update Service Full list of amendments to current charts, email/RSS notification service and other information relating to VFR charting.
- UK Foreign IAIP Library Access to foreign aeronautical information, available to interested parties for flight planning purposes.
jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014
martes, 28 de enero de 2014
jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013
viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013
jueves, 11 de abril de 2013
Pilotovirtual - El blog para los pilotos virtuales
Pilotovirtual - El blog para los pilotos virtuales
Fantástico este Blog, un imprescindible, diria yo...!!!
Fantástico este Blog, un imprescindible, diria yo...!!!
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