Bienvenidos a este Blog en el cual solo se pretende subir información relacionada con el mundo de la aviación y la simulación de vuelo. Se irán subiendo videos, fotos, y noticias con la idea de informar y entretener al usuario en la medida de lo posible, siempre de una forma legal y sin animo de lucro. Sentiros como en casa. *** welcome to my blog, we have the intention to entertain and inform about interesting things related to aviation and simulation. I hope you enjoy!
lunes, 4 de agosto de 2014
domingo, 27 de julio de 2014
martes, 25 de marzo de 2014
NATS.- The UK Integrated Aeronautical Information

This web site provides FREE access to the following products (for guidance on computer software requirements please use 'Help' tab above):
- UK Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) Static information, updated every 28 days, containing information of lasting (permanent) character essential to air navigation.
- UK AIP Supplements (SUPs) Temporary changes to the AIP, usually of long duration, containing comprehensive text and/or graphics.
- Aeronautical Information Circulars (AICs) Notices relating to safety, navigation, technical, administrative or legal matters.
- NOTAM Notices concerning the condition or change to any facility, service or procedure notified within the AIP. NOTAM are available in the form of Pre-Flight Information Bulletins (PIB) using a live database.
- AIS Information Line on tel: 0500 354802 or +44(0)20 8750 3939 This service is offered by AIS to supplement the information available from the Website. A recorded message allows you to obtain up to date information on specific NOTAM, and will include Restricted Areas (Temporary), Airspace Upgrades & Emergency Restrictions of Flying.
- VFR Chart Newsletter & Update Service Full list of amendments to current charts, email/RSS notification service and other information relating to VFR charting.
- UK Foreign IAIP Library Access to foreign aeronautical information, available to interested parties for flight planning purposes.
jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014
martes, 28 de enero de 2014
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